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Staff Spotlight: Tafadzwa Bwititi

Staff Spotlight

Tafadzwa Bwititi’s interest in architecture is focused on the interaction of communities with the urban environment and showing the benefits that environmental and social-economics have through urban design. Tafadzaw is currently working on expanding his healthcare knowledge and interests by working on a diverse array of projects ranging from pharmacies, imaging suites (ex. MRI, CAT Scan), emergency services, nursing units. Since starting to work at MKM in 2017, Tafadzwa’s project responsibilities have included developing design concepts, from schematic design to construction administration, as well as collaborating on various projects and tasks ranging from field verification to construction drawings. Tafadzwa also assists in developing 3D models and renderings for client project proposals. Outside of work, Tafadzwa plays an active role on the Fort Wayne AIA Board of Directors.

1. Where did you grow up? For the first 17 years of my life, I grew up in Zimbabwe. Most of the time in Harare, the capital city, as this was where my home was. However, I also spent six years in boarding school. The school system was located about one and a half hours away from home. You could say the boarding school was my second home.

Taf with Peterhouse Group

2. What interested you in pursuing a career in architecture? Ever since I can remember, I have always been interested in how things are built. In high school I decided to take a technical drawing class to explore this interest. The class taught us how to produce precise drawings of items that were going to be constructed in either a metalworking or woodworking class. My curiosity combined with what I learned in the class drew me towards architecture.

3. What motivates you to come into work every day at MKM? There are quite a few things that make me come into work every day. The challenges that the architectural field brings takes me out of my comfort zone, which helps me grow as a person. Also, the potential of learning new things almost every day from my coworkers and the projects we work on. I have a strong desire to do everything I can to assist my clients and coworkers. I greatly enjoy working as a team to create and complete projects through producing and designing plans, details, sheet layouts, and everything else that goes into our work here at MKM.

Taf and his family

4. Where do you look for inspiration? There have been many good books and websites that I have used for inspiration throughout the years, however, I have gained the most inspiration from talking and working with my coworkers and colleagues. Their experiences and expertise have guided and inspired me on many projects.

5. How do you recharge during your free time? Spending time with my family and friends, playing games, and watching movies and TV shows.

6. Which projects are you most proud to have worked on? One of the first projects I worked on at MKM was the Beaver Dam Redevelopment Plan. This plan will help the Beaver Dam community set goals and have a vision of what their revitalized downtown could look like and accomplish.

7. What are you passionate about right now? I have always been passionate about anything to do with science. Right now, I am especially interested in astrophysics and mathematics. I may not always understand what they are talking about, but it is very fascinating to me and I enjoy learning as much as I can.

8. Where is your favorite place to travel or visit? If it’s nice and warm, my in-law’s lake house. I love napping on the boat. One of my favorite places in Zimbabwe I visited when I was younger was Victoria Falls (one of the seven wonders of the world – pictured above) and the surrounding area.

Victoria Falls

9. What is your favorite quote? There are a couple of quotes that come to mind, however, I have been trying to follow these two recently because they relate to each other.

“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built.’ You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall.” – Will Smith

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan.

In order to achieve your goals, you have to work hard at each step it takes to get there.

You might fail as you go along but you can learn many things from your failures that will ultimately help you reach your goals.

10. What was the last book your read? I am just starting to try to get back into reading more again. I really enjoyed Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, because I love science fiction. It really made me think about how things are not always what they appear to be.

Taf in sky diving gear

Tell us a fun fact or interesting tidbit about yourself. Sky diving is one thing I would not like to do again.

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