MKM architecture + design is excited to announce that Megan Crites, AIA, RID and Joe Boersema have been promoted to Senior Associates.

1. Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised right on the border of Indiana and Ohio in Richmond, Indiana, a town of about 30,000 people. It’s two hours directly south of Fort Wayne on Highway 27.
2. Why did you get into architecture?
Ah, the infamous question! I got into architecture to make a difference. It’s no secret that we make changes to the world that affect the way people interact, feel, communicate, live, and carry out their daily lives. Now, unless you’re a nomad living in the forest, architecture impacts your life in one way or another – how cool is that? Something doodled on a piece of paper has the potential impact to influence human behavior. Now, that’s exciting!
3. What makes you come into work every day?
Because architecture is a lifestyle – it’s not really work when you enjoy what you do. The type of work we do at MKM is challenging; we work in environments where architecture plays a vital role not only in efficient operations of a design, but in emotional implications of people. It’s not always noticed, but that’s not the point. The challenge of healthcare environments is the ability for a space to handle some of the best and worst days of peoples’ lives – that’s a challenge, and that’s why I come to work every day – to make a difference.
4. Where do you go when you’re looking for inspiration?
Anywhere. I’m not picky on the resource. I believe inspiration can come in many forms, so why limit myself? I’ve found some of the best inspiration when I’m not really looking for it. Sometimes inspiration comes from talking to people, sketching, reading, or just by studying why something works the way it does.
5. What’s your favorite place to visit?
Ask me this a few months ago and my answer would be completely different. I just took a trip to Zion National Park in Utah, so now my opinion is skewed – this is hands down the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. From the Narrows to Angles Landing, the landscape doesn’t even look real – it’s like a Bob Ross painting everywhere you look! There’s a weird feeling when you’re at the base of the mountain, you feel so small, but at the top, you feel indestructible – it’s an amazing place!

7. How do you recharge during your free time?
Being outside! I know it’s counterproductive to live in a state where it’s cold almost six months out of the year, but being outside is the best way to recharge. If I can get a good weekend in my kayak or a few days on the Zion Trail in Utah, you’ll see a new person come into work on Monday morning. It’s the best way to relax and clear my head. Sometimes I find the most clarity when I’m in the middle of a lake or making my way up to Angles Landing at Zion…you should really check it out!
6. What’s your favorite quote?
“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
This is such a great quote – know your strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. Improve and grow where you can. If you’re a fish, be a fish.
Fun fact:
While on a day long excursion in Zion National Park, I’ve hiked to the top of the canyon with nothing standing between me and the edge of a cliff… except the fear of plummeting from a 6,521 foot vertical elevation to my demise! Thank goodness for my quick witted and cat-like reflexes, or I may not be here to tell this to you. True story.
Corey’s professional practice experience focuses on process operations in healthcare environments; he is dedicated to continuously improving the link between people and experiential processes. Corey has had an active role in designing various healthcare facilities from tenant build-outs to primary care clinics. Outside of healthcare, he has worked on public projects ranging from housing to community developments. Corey started with MKM as an intern in 2015 between undergraduate and graduate school. While receiving his Master of Architecture, Corey geared his focus toward re-imagining the role that healthcare environments play during the end-of-life for the terminally ill, researching the physical, mental, and emotional side of the care continuum, and how codependency occurs between a community and the patients. As a Lean Six-Sigma Green Belt, his recent studies have expanded to encompass the process improvement of care delivery through the full spectrum of the care continuum and the environments in which they occur. Corey is responsible for assisting in project management, which includes planning, architectural design, visualization, and construction administration.