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Staff Spotlight: Craig Campbell

Staff Spotlight

Craig Campbell recently joined the team at MKM in July 2019 as Construction Administration Manager. Craig has extensive experience in managing large capital projects for the higher education market. In his new role, Craig works closely with contractors to ensure complex projects are successfully coordinated to meet the needs and expectations of the firm’s clients. Craig holds three degrees from Purdue University, an Associate of Science in Architectural Design Technology, an Associate of Science in Civil Engineering Technology, and a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management. A native of Fort Wayne, he is an active member at his church, enjoys working on home improvement projects, and golfs as often as possible.

1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the small town of Churubusco (Turtle Town USA) just outside of Fort Wayne.

2. What interested you in pursuing a career in architecture?

I have always been fascinated and intrigued on how certain things come together to form the end product. Whether it was engines, homes or buildings, I have always been interested in how every single part has a function and comes together in the end to form an amazing end product.

3. What motivates you to come into work every day at MKM?

I am motivated by my coworkers and the Principals here at MKM. They all have an amazing work ethic, morals and truly have a commitment to make our community a better place to live. Architecture brings its challenges, but everyone here makes it easy to come into work every day and face those challenges together as a team.

Craig and family at zoo

4. Where do you look for inspiration?

I look no further than my family and the city where I grew up in for inspiration. Fort Wayne is a very unique city in the fact that it is a large city but still has a small town feel to it. It is where I grew up and it is where I call home. I love seeing the city thrive and grow.

Craig Campbell family photo in field

As for my family, my amazing wife who truly is my better half and makes me a better person, who always believes in me no matter what the circumstances or challenges may be. As for my son, I know he is just a little guy but the way he looks at me every evening when I pull into our driveway and the way he comes running for a hug from his Dad, keeps me motivated to be a better man and do amazing work in this world.

5. How do you recharge during your free time?

Simply living in the country helps me recharge, and the calmness and quietness that comes with it. Running around with my son on our land always makes for a good time. Also really enjoy golfing with friends, anytime you can get a group of your buddies together and go out for a few hours and goof around makes for a great time no matter how high our scores are.

6. Which projects are you most proud to have worked on?

Most of my experience comes from the higher education realm, but some of my favorite projects I have worked on from my time at Purdue University Fort Wayne include the bridges over Coliseum Blvd and Saint Joe river. Another project I really enjoyed working on was the replacement of our original gym floor in the Gates Sport Center. Seeing the advancements in the subfloor and installation process from 1981 to 2016 was a fun and interesting process.

7. Where is your favorite place to travel?

So far in my travels one of my favorite places to go has been Scottsdale, Arizona. My wife and I went out there for a conference a few years ago and we absolutely fell in love with the area, from the architecture of the homes in the side of hills to the walking around and enjoying the views at slide rock national park.

8. What is your favorite quote?

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” – John Wooden

Craig and son in car

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

When I was 14, I bought a 1968 Camaro and rebuilt it with my Dad. I still drive it around today, but only on good weather days.

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